Monday, October 6, 2008

Our joyous life in #255

I figured you would all like to see what's been going on in our dorm room, besides spying on our neighbors and keeping a tally of the people we see making out.

This is Corinne's pan of brownies after the boys attacked it. I believe that both me and Rosie only had a small piece, but most of this damage was done by our FHE brothers and Travis. Oh and Corinne had a couple as well.

Yay! We finally decorated our room. And by we, I mean Rosie.

Our new "rape whistle". Now we'll be prepared when we go on dates! It lights up and sounds like a duck call.

Corinne looks very excited to be doing her homework.

Oh no! Now she looks bored. I wonder what we could do to make her about we take pictures of our fourth roommate..........

HEATH LEDGER! (who is currently rooming in the bathroom. Our new tradition is we are going to randomly move him throughout our dorm.)

Apparently Heath needs the rape whistle more than we do!

And that's what we do when we get bored!

So, as I'm making this post, I realize that I have absolutely no pictures of my roommate hopefully for my next post I will have one of her!

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