Friday, October 10, 2008

Big Pink Bike

About two weeks ago, I was walking back from my math class, when I saw this guy riding a bicycle. You might ask, "well what is so strange about that." Well, when I saw him, he was at least three feet above even the tallest person. I couldn't tell why he was so high off the ground until he was able to get away from the swarm of people. His bicycle is at least 9 ft. tall and is bright pink. I couldn't believe my eyes. I rushed home and told Corinne about it, and about three days later she saw him too. I was reminded of this today because when I was walking to math today, I got passed by the same guy on his enormously huge bicycle. This time, I stopped to watch him climb down. Both times I've seen him, I've regretted not having my camera with me. Now I've decided to go on a hunt for the Bright Pink Bicycle. I'm determined to get a picture of it. Wish me luck!

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