Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just a little post...

This is mainly for Jacob because I know how you freak out when people don't update their blogs! I've been working hard and studying hard and don't really have time for much else except for on the weekends. Classes are going good. I'm really enjoying all of them. The roommates are good too. We've been up to our usual quirks. Oh, and I recently got a new calling in my new ward. I am a gospel doctrine teacher! I got to teach on Sunday and it went really well, and I only have to teach every other week. Luckily, we're learning about Doctrine and Covenants and Church History this year, so it's nothing too tough! Anyway, that's what's goin' on with me. And you're welcome Jacob!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Best Show Ever!

Tonight me and my new roomies and Corinne's friend Sarah went to Comedy Improv Night, which was done by Kirby Heyborne, Corbin Allred, Kelly Lohman, and Lincoln Hoppe. It was hilarious. We were all crying by the end of the show because we were laughing so hard! The best was at the last part that they did was a 30 min. improv musical, and near the end Lincoln pulled my roommate Stephanie up to the stage! At the end we got to take a picture with all of them and meet them. So much fun!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back in the Burg!

I got back to Rexburg last Saturday so that I could help with the freshman orientation. Little did I know that that consisted of me standing outside in the bitter cold for 2 1/2 hours with my partner Mr. Collins. Oh boy!

I moved into my new apartment! (Pictures to come soon). It is so much nicer than the dorms!

This semester is going to be a busy one. I'm working in the mornings at 4:00 cleaning one of the buildings on campus, and then I go to class right after that till about 2:00 in the afternoon! Whew! I'm going to be tired! Luckily, I've had training in working at odd hours from working the graveyard shift this last summer!

Sorry that this post is so bland. I promise that I'll take pictures soon of my new apartment and of all the snow!