Sunday, December 18, 2011

Catching Up

I think it's funny that I only ever update my blog at the end of a semester, but since my sister Sheena decided to update her blog, I thought that I should as well.

I started my senior year (part 1) at BYU-Idaho in September. It's crazy to think how fast school is going for me. Even now I can't believe I have finished one more semester towards my degree.

Just to give you an idea about how close I am to being finished, I applied for my student teaching semester in December for Winter 2013. I'm hoping to end up in Utah for that, but I put Las Vegas and Arizona as my second choices. Depending on how many students apply, I could be headed south for that winter, which would be a nice change from living in the frozen tundra for four years.

I started working as a teacher's assistant for one of my professors. I helped with her Foundations Humanities class (mostly freshmen), which I actually took from her my second semester. I love this job because it gives me little opportunities to teach and it affirms to me that I'm in the right major. I love coming up with ideas to make the subject easier and more fun for the students. I love teaching!

My friend Julie got married this weekend and I designed her announcements for her back in October. Here is what they looked like:


My friends Merinda and Mari and I threw a bridal shower for Julie as well. There were only a few girls who showed up, but it was still lots of fun.

Other than that, nothing too spectacular happened this semester. Maybe by my next post in April (ha ha) I'll have something awesome to share with you all.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yay for Summer Break!

It's been a really long time since I last posted, so I thought I'd give a little bit of an update. I finished off Winter Semester strong and was ready for a much needed break from school. In that last semester of school, I wrote 6 papers, read 3 novels and multiple short stories and poems, made two video projects and a slideshow, conducted a research study, taught a 15 minute lesson on Photoshop, created a grammar workbook, and created two family history projects. I endured the flu, a sinus infection, and many late-nights and even one all-nighter the last week of the semester. Even though I complain a lot about all the work that I have to do for my classes, I actually do love school and my major. I'm so glad that I switched to something I enjoy studying.

I moved down to Utah for the summer to stay with Sheena and Mike. I started job hunting in April, which led to many job applications, about 5 interviews, and then mid-June I finally got a job at DownEast Basics at the Southtowne Mall in South Jordan. I've been buying clothes from DownEast for a couple years now, and I'm so excited to be working at one of their stores. I'm hoping that I can transfer up to either the Rexburg or Idaho Falls store in the fall.

In May, I signed up on a website called Deseret Connect to be a freelance writer, and I wrote a column that was on the front page of the Entertainment section. This was so exciting for me, cause one of my dreams has been to have something I have written be published, so this was a dream come true. You can check out my column here at the Deseret News Website.

One of the best things about being on summer break, is that I can do as much fun reading as possible. It isn't that I don't love my reading assignments for school, because I do. I love reading new material and analyzing it; but there is just something about reading a mindlessly entertaining book that is just blissful. I've started to blog about all my summer reads on my website/online portfolio. It's called The Novel Nook, and after I finish reading a novel, I give a brief summary and review of the book. I'll probably be updating it pretty soon with the latest book I've been reading, so you should check it out!

That's what I've been up to so far this summer. It's been pretty good so far. I've enjoyed letting my brain get nice and empty before I start school again in the fall. I may or may not update again before I go back to school, so if I don't, I hope you all enjoy your summer as well!