Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference Trip....Righteous!

This weekend, Me, Corinne, Travis and Alex (our two new friends) traveled down to Utah for Conference. I stayed with Sheena and Mike, and everyone else ventured down to Provo. Sheena and I went to the Sunday Morning session of conference.

So, since I was only with the others for the trip down and the trip back, they are the only pictures I have.

Corinne and Travis, in his mom's sunglasses while we are waiting for Alex in the parking lot of our dorm.

Yay! We're on our way!

The fab four: Corinne, Me, Alex and half of Travis.

Roomies! Me and Corinne

Pump that gas boys!

The window I had to sit by. It didn't roll up all the way, and then it started raining! It was horrible!

On our way back to Rexburg.

Yes! I finally got to sit on the side that didn't have the defective window!

1 comment:

Scott and Elly said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip! So glad you have good roommates...that makes it so much better:)