Sunday, November 9, 2008

Operation H.L.

So, after Mikaela made us an amazing dinner of homemade pancakes with buttermilk syrup, Corinne and I decided that we needed to work off those calories. So, we decided to pull a prank on our FHE sisters. Except, we didn't take any pictures at first, so Mikaela helped us document it after.

Us getting ready to go!

We had to run to the other end of the dorm hall, to use the stairs down there so that we wouldn't be seen! We're so SNEAKY!

Sliding down the banister...

It looks like we're posing for a magazine or we're in a cool music video!

Crawling under their window so they can't see us!

I was the lookout!

And Corinne put up the poster of Heath Ledger!

Aren't we so clever!

Stay tuned for further coverage of our prank pulling...we didn't just limit it to our dorm hall either!

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